Collaboration with Prof. Donghyun Kim at Sejong University, DK STUDIO
The Atlantic City Boardwalk has thousands of people passing by the site and right onto the passage,
the trajectory walls rise up and guide people to the remains of Holocaust.
The walls are made out of concrete and laid out in slightly different directions
so that people can frame their own view to the sea.
The frame-the walls is designed to make people feel tragic contexts of Holocaust by
showing the expression of Holocaust memory inscribed on the wall as a texture of the concrete.
Wall textures are composited from the bullet holes of the shooting wall, fingernail scratches extracted from the gas chamber,
the identification number tattoo on victim’s arms and their actual names.
Those are all representing the tragic memory of the Mascre.
People will step in to touch the wall and, standing inside the narrow gap between walls,
feel like the victims who, on their piled-up bed of a concentration camp,
eagerly wanted to have freedom of which image
overlaps with the view of a sea through the walls.
